The conditions of the scheme are shown in the booklet and we would ask customers to acknowledge acceptance by signing and returning the contract or by registering via the website. This contract will cover the period 1st January 2025 – 31st December 2025. There are some changes to the scheme details this year compared to last year. Please dispose of your old booklet / contract in your files (if relevant).
We are able to help pest controller’s with the majority of waste streams that they generate as part of their business this includes Spent bait, empty aerosol’s, empty packaging, fluorescent tubes and redundant stock items. Customers need to be aware that they may need to register with the Environment Agency if they generate hazardous waste (see Appendix 3 in the Scheme Booklet).
End-of-life fluorescent tubes from EFK machines are regulated under the “WEEE” system (The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006). Tubes purchased from Killgerm Group may be returned to the Ossett site for recycling. There is no charge for this service. Tubes will have attracted an environmental charge (to cover the cost of recycling) at the time of purchasing. This will show as “WEEE recycling charge” on invoices.
We are legally bound to comply with our site licence and it is for this reason that the scheme conditions and notes have to be rigorously applied. We are always willing to assist customers with any special needs, where we are legally able to do so. However, where extra costs are incurred then these would have to be passed on to the customer.
We would again urge customers to apply best practice to waste storage and consolidation (please see the summary in the booklet). A legal need to apply the “Waste Hierarchy” applies to the way customers deal with waste. This is described in the scheme booklet. Waste should be contained in 300 gauge, clear polythene bags ones for this purpose, which we can supply.